Lunch Roulette App
Breaking down functional silos is key to everything from encouraging communication to building valuable connections to sparking innovation. But, as we all know, bridging interdepartmental chasms is far easier said than done. Fortunately, some companies are starting to come up with creative solutions. Take, for example, Lunch Roulette, a new concept being used at the U.S. arm of pharmaceuticals manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim (BIPI).
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It is not any other lunch app. Lunch Roulette asks every individual in private and gets approval first. No more lunches where nobody shows up. Try it out now for free We want that every company should benefit of getting people together therefore we have a free plan which will always stay as free. Lunch Roulette App, nv poker challenge, brenden palms casino kingman az, online spiele roulette kostenlos. Payout/Total Bonus. Article Content. Play the Best Casino Lunch Roulette App Games; Online Casino Lunch Roulette App Games in USA. Lunch Roulette improves relationships between all coworkers. Team lunches with high participation rate It is not any other lunch app. Lunch Roulette asks every individual in private and gets an approval first. No more lunches where nobody shows up. Lunch Roulette App cash to our bettors everyday! Chili Chili Fire. Santa vs Rudolf. Get your ticket to a movie-quality wheel-spinning experience. Major Millions Casino rating Excellent.
Like many good ideas, this one was born of frustration — in this case, when David Thompson, scientist turned social media strategist, went looking for someone to have lunch with only to realize that his usual group of colleagues wasn’t available and he didn’t know anyone in the company cafeteria. “The sense of exclusion was palpable and galling,” he recalls. Driving home that evening, he came up with the idea of a web application that would randomly pair people throughout the organization for lunch. He emailed Christopher Tan, a marketer with an interest in mobile technologies and experience building applications, and within 36 hours, they had come up with a prototype. They then sent it out to a select group of colleagues and invited them to participate.
Lunch Roulette works in four simple steps. Participants select a date — or dates — when they are free for lunch and choose one of the company cafeterias they’re willing to travel to. They then click a “Match Me” button, and a lunch date and calendar reminder are emailed to their mailbox. After that, all they need to do is show up with an open mind and a willingness to network.
The application saw great traction within the company within 12 hours of going live; within seven weeks, more than 350 people were matched. Among the first 100 participants: BIPI’s CEO, who was matched with a young member of one of the brand marketing teams. “A lot of times, a CEO only talks with someone who has been prescribed for them. With Lunch Roulette, he doesn’t know who he’ll be paired with and neither does the other person,” says Thompson. “Both can learn something from the other. After all, if we don’t have people who can learn both up and down, then we have the wrong people in both levels.”

Lunch Roulette not only produces unexpected pairings but often sparks unexpected conversations, as Tan discovered when he was matched with someone in research and development. The topic turned to a specific piece of upcoming health care legislation. “I never thought that law would affect people in R&D,” notes Tan. “It was interesting to see how close our worlds are, even though we think we’re doing separate stuff.”
Although barely four months old, the app has already morphed into a variety of different uses, some conventional and some not. “Some people are actively using it to network,” reports Tan. In its next iteration, if someone is interested in growing her career in a specific functional direction, he or she can be ask to be matched with people signing up from that function.
Thompson envisions that Lunch Roulette could also have potential value during the interview process. Too often, candidates meet only peers and stakeholders. Meeting a randomly selected employee would not only demonstrate the company’s confidence in its general culture, but also underline the ease and opportunities for brainstorming across the organization.
While it’s too soon to tell if Lunch Roulette has spawned specific innovations or measurable operational improvements, these are almost certain to occur as the network expands and its nodes become richer and stronger. A recent New York Times article described the benefits when researchers, designers, and assembly line workers commingle in person. Extrapolating further, experts propose that “clusters of manufacturers, where workers and ideas can naturally flow between companies, might prove more productive and innovative than the same businesses if they were spread across the country.”
We all know that at heart, business is personal. Lunch Roulette is a practical way of creating links where none had existed and exposing colleagues to different ideas and perspectives. Its potential is as exciting as its users’ imaginations.
Looking for an innovative way to engage employees and drive innovation in 2013? Consider connecting employees through networking lunches. Employees who get away from their desks at lunch feel energized, focused and more productive. Plus employees who connect often learn from one another- regularly spurring new ideas.
How many of your employees eat at their desks on a regular basis? Do they take lunch at all? In 2010, The Energy Project found that more than 60 percent of respondents reported taking 20 minutes or less each day for lunch. Almost 20 percent took less than 10 minutes. One-quarter said they never leave their desks at all. They launched a “Take Back Your Lunch” initiative- “encouraging workers to step away from their computers and go out to lunch every Wednesday.” The phenomena quickly spread across the country.
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David Thompson, scientist turned social media strategist, and Christopher Tan, mobile app developer, at Boehringer Ingelheim, (BIPI), teamed up to produce Lunch Roulette, a web application that randomly pairs employees for lunch dates. (What I love about this story is the lack of process that went into the development- there was no committee created, no business requirements sessions- they actually never met… they just did it!) Christopher created the app in 36 hours and they launched the program by sending an email to a select group of co-workers.

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Over the last four months, more than 500 people in their US (Ridgefield, CT) office have participated. This success has led them to plan to launch Lunch Roulette in their German office this spring. Among the first 100 participants was BIPI’s CEO, who was matched with an early career profession in brand marketing. It’s too soon to point to specific innovations as a result of the program, but sparks are flying, networks are expanding and employees are being exposed to different perspectives. During his second match, Christopher lunched with a data base administrator who provided “very specific advice on how to improve the matching algorithm.” This lunch had an instant benefit and will most likely lead to continued idea generation and enhanced collaboration going forward.
The Lunch Roulette program is simple- participants select a date(s), choose the cafeteria and then click “Match Me” to be paired. Participants receive a calendar reminder via email. (It’s easy to set up- and they’re offering it for free- just send an email to
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A lunch networking program can work in many different ways- 1:1 matches, group matches, or for those with a significant remote worker base, you could even include a “virtual lunch” match option. In addition, you could leverage informal networks, Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) or mentor programs to jump start participation. It’s important to have a critical mass of employees signed-up so that the matches are effective. To promote Lunch Roulette at BIPI, they created a short video clip and relied on word of mouth.
Meg Wherrity, former director at bitly, also developed a Lunch Roulette program and she has now joined forces with Thompson and Tan. At bitly, they paired 100 people in the organization randomly to improve the culture and have different departments meet. The program served to break down boundaries within the company and many continued to lunch together by choice. Meg is working with several conferences to offer the program, including Philly Tech Week in April of 2013.
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Employee engagement is a key driver of business success. Consider enhancing your company’s engagement strategy by developing a lunch networking program. Remember, you don’t need a big committee to get this going- define measurements and metrics upfront and just do it!
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What are you doing to enhance employee engagement? I look forward to your comments.