Zoom Bingo Party

That’s how Zoom rose above the conference call bingo game. Zoom was born out of WebEx, which was founded in 1995 and acquired by Cisco for $3.2 billion in 2007. Early WebEx engineer Eric Yuan founded Zoom in 2011 with help from early investment and advice from WebEx founder Subrah Iyar. Here’s how it played out: – Zoom went live January 2013. Zoom's Brady Bunch-style 'gallery' view, seen above, is easily the best setting for a party in the coronavirus age — as I can attest from a week of attending events posted by Zoom-loving.

Zoom Bingo Birthday Party
Another month, another quarantine birthday party. What else is knew at this point? Most of us can say that we've celebrated at least one birthday virtually due to the ongoing pandemic. And luckily, Zoom has come to the rescue over and over again. There’s a variety of ways on how to host a Zoom party, but now it’s time to amp up the fun, or shall I say zoom up the fun with adventurous and witty games that will give your next virtual birthday party the makeover it deserves.
Zoom Bingo Party

While video calls are a thing of the future, one great thing about virtual birthdays is that it’s still easy to incorporate nostalgia. Games like Scattergories, Guess Who?, Bingo, and escape rooms have all been altered for online gameplay so that you and your friends can still share in the good times. Once you’ve had your fill of the oldies and itching for something different, there are a ton of new games that'll bring just as much fun. Jackbox party packs, for instance, are loaded with fun group games that will have everyone your entire crew entertained for hours.
Bingo For Zoom
Here are some of the best Zoom games for virtual birthday parties.